Read, watch and listen: the Asian edit

Read, watch and listen: the Asian edit

The things we read, watch and listen can deeply influence the way we think and the decisions we make. As part of our Asian Heritage Month spotlight, we asked some our members to share content by an Asian or about being Asian that had an impact on their lives.

Jane Lee, Co-Founder, Launch Pop

Read: Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong

I love this book! It is a beautifully written and gives Asian women the permission to realize that those minor feelings that they have are actually major things that should be discussed. Asian women are taught to be quiet, work hard and be humble. Talking about feelings and giving yourself the permission to feel them is very hard but this book has given me that gift. It’s made me realize that the burden I shoulder every day is actually carried by all Asian women, so now it doesn’t feel so heavy anymore!

Adrian Tan, Associate Partner, EY

Watch: TED TALK: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth

I chose the above TED talk by Angela Lee Duckworth because it embodies a lot of core values (grit, passion, perseverance) that I feel relates well to the Asian culture. It also encourages everyone to make mistakes and learn from them as part of adopting a growth mindset which is something that is perhaps less common in Asian culture. The importance of combining the two concepts makes this TED talk compelling to me.

Sunil Bansal, Senior Product Manager, Tangerine

Listen: Podcast: Hyphen State – Out in the open hosted by Piya Chattopadhyay (CBC Radio)

I am unreasonably excited to be asked this question. As a 2nd generation Canadian, I’m extremely grateful to have grown up with two cultures. This was especially apparent as I grew up in Woodbridge, a predominantly Italian/Caucasian neighborhood. Granted, growing up with two cultures isn’t always easy. It can be a confusing and isolating experience (what childhood isn’t at times). It felt like I always had to explain my ‘other side’. I mean, how do you explain to other kids that you don’t eat beef (and yes, Veal is beef) and don’t eat meat on Mondays and Tuesdays?

In this lens, finding the right combination and balance of my cultures is so uniquely personal and yet, so common in Canada. As much as I can relate to the experience of others, I don’t think there are any two Canadians alike. This podcast epitomizes that for me and allows me to take pride in differences that make us alike. As a father, I can’t wait to see how my daughter handles being Canadian, Sri Lankan, and Indian.