New Year, New You: 5 Radical Career Resolutions for the year

New Year, New You: 5 Radical Career Resolutions for the year

We are well into a new year. I’m sure many of you have already set some personal New Year’s resolutions. But have you thought about your career resolutions?

There’s a real benefit to reflecting on your career and setting goals to ensure your professional growth. Even more importantly, having goals that aren’t generic will guarantee they aren’t abandoned as quickly as they were created.

Here are five radical career resolutions to inspire and motivate you to make 2022 the best work year yet.

1. Set healthy work boundaries  

If you want work-life balance, start by setting healthy boundaries in your professional life. Commit to setting limits, being comfortable saying no, delegating more and taking your paid time off so you can safeguard your energy, joy and avoid burn-out.

2. Keep a work journal  

There are plenty of studies that point to writing as an effective tool for reflection and achieving goals. Spend 10 mins every week, writing out a to-do list, the steps you’ll take to reach them, reflect on your progress–include your biggest accomplishments. More importantly, be consistent with it. There’s no better way to understand what is and isn’t working, and what you can do to continue growing and improving.

3. Check-in on co-workers at least once a day 

While we continue to WFH, it can be hard to genuinely connect with co-workers. Apart from the usual pleasantries during virtual meetings, there is no time or space to just talk, rant, rave and celebrate. Set time every day, even if it’s 15 mins, to check-in on a co-worker. Ask them what they are making for dinner and what movie made them cry recently. We are all struggling during these unprecedented times so make it a point this year to reach out and connect.

4. Build those soft skills 

Despite popular belief, soft skills can be learned. Whether it’s about resilience in the workplace, active listening, creating better teams, committing to learn about and improving as an employee and leader. Spend some time reflecting on what skills you want to improve on and start looking for appropriate events and workshops. Ascend Canada has one almost every month – check them out here!

5. Find a mentor  

Ask someone you admire professionally to become your mentor. A mentor can be your secret weapon to success, they offer important insights and support as you navigate the twists and turns of your career. Whatever stage you are in your career, you can always benefit from having a mentor. And remember, mentors are often your biggest sponsors and cheerleaders!

Setting resolutions is a powerful way to understand where you want to be at the end of year. But often they aren’t met when we focus only on the results and not the process that can help us get there. Start working on your resolutions by breaking them down and building simple and consistent habits that can slowly but sustainably help you achieve your goals.

Here’s to 2022 being your best work year till date!